Sunday visit to tide pools

Sunday was looking to be a good day for beach pictures.

It was sunny, but cloudy enough to make an interesting sky.

I decided to return to the tide pools because I knew the pier would be crowded.

Also, the tide pools are easier to photograph when it isn't super sunny.

I was excited when I saw a lot of sunflowers in park above the tide pools.

I could see Catalina. I'm always reminded how the town is called Avalon, like the Arthurian legend.

I could even see San Clemente Island just to the south, although it didn't show up in photos.

The ocean was especially dark and blue in that direction.

Sunday was also the monthly low tide.
I explored a different area.

This day I walked in the direction of the cottages, instead of toward the cave.

The tide was already coming in, so I didn't want to explore too far.

Shooting the rocks is a different challenge than taking pictures at the pier.

It was not too sunny to see, but it was still difficult to get a shot that I liked.

At the end of the day, there wasn't the colorful sunset I had hoped.

Still, it was worth paying the weekend parking price.

This coming week, it's going to rain, and I don't have a day off for a while.


  1. After I read your blog I always click on a photo and see the whole set close up and beautiful. I so hope others do too, just lovely photography Julie.


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