Not a bad day at home and in the garden

Today at mid-day, I went outside to see the military jet flyover.
The jets were unimpressive, but the days sure have been NICE.
It's hard to be miserable, when it's sunny and 75.

The jacaranda trees have reached fission:
Like nuclear snow!

Today I saw my neighbors in their yard, and discussed the hummingbird feeder.
The house is owned by an older couple.

They didn't know what happened either, but the feeder appeared after Mother's day.
We figured a youth had taken it.
The neighbor wanted to return it, but I said it was OK.
I just wanted to let them know about it, and I got to talk to them when I usually wouldn't!

Yesterday and today, my main activity was this weedy section of back yard:

This has Bird of Paradise, Clivia Lily, Azalea, some Snake Plant, and an ornamental pepper that grew on its own.

I had actually done this part a few years ago, and blogged about it!

It took me awhile to find the old blog post: March 17, 2017:

I had covered the ground with large pebbles, to discourage dogs from digging.
I had not tended it in all this time, I guess!

This time around, I had a hard time getting out this dwarf Bird of Paradise:

Here is the "after" picture:
I got rid of the Snake Plant, and kept only the Azalea.
I need to reorganize the rocks a little bit more.

I moved the African Clivia lily and Pepper to the area I weeded earlier this week:
I have tons of Clivia.
When it blooms in early spring (and it's not buried in weeds) it's this plant:

After looking at the old post,
I'm amazed about how much my ideas for the garden have changed, in only 3 years!

The dogs are happy to lay in the cool dirt I made.
This month they will be aged 10 and 16!

Today I also stopped by the pet store and picked up $4 of "feeder" goldfish.
I saved these 25-cent fish from a giant tank, where they would probably die (faster)

Here they are with the older goldfish.
They grow about 1 inch per year.
The older ones are not more than 9 years old.
I like to see them dart around enjoying life, instead of the big tank at the store!

Today I got lots of nice pictures just hanging around the house.

I also got this picture of some nice roses at the end of the day:

I missed the beach and the office a little less, today.


  1. Whar a difference in your before and after, a great makeover. Good to be outside and you can see the dogs enjoyed being with you. I knew you had a dog, but I don't think I knew you had two. What are their names? Take good care.


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