Jacaranda trees instead of sunsets

Yesterday (Monday) I took my weekly walk to the office.

I took more pictures of the jacaranda trees in the neighborhood.

The morning clouds were doing a nice puffy thing.

I tried to take a close up of the flowers.

Here is a better close up:

I used to dread the sticky mess the flowers make, especially on the cars.

But now it's something I look forward to!

At work the atmosphere was gloomy.
I had to make more calls, to let people know the church wasn't available.
Luckily, 90% of the people are happy to reschedule, and haven't demanded refunds.

We don't have a date for services yet, but it will not be for 60 or 90 more days.

I've been thinking about going to the beaches, now that they are opening again.
But, the tide and weather isn't interesting, and it still seems too crowded.

At least for now, I have the jacaranda trees to look at.


  1. Beautiful shots, Julie. The patience part of life is the the hard part?


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