Butterflies! & More tide pool pictures / videos

On Monday, the Monarch butterflies hatched at last!

I ended up with one butterfly on my hand, trying to get it out of the jar.


It was cute, but still felt like a big, icky bug!

That's why the video ends abruptly.

( It flew away out of the yard. )

I put another one on this milkweed, so it could eat.

I had to work, but my Dad says it stayed there most of the day before eventually flying off.

I'm glad it was a warm, sunny day and a warm, sunny week!

Sam was happy that I was happy.

I don't spend enough time with my pets.

Sam will be 10 this year! And Cat will be 7.

I'm so glad Sam is looking good, and not lame, so he can still jump on things.

In my middle age, I'm happy I can still climb things too!

Here are some other pictures /videos from my tide pool walk on Sunday.

Here are some live barnacles and mussel shells:

The rock formations, and algae textures, were all so interesting.

It was low tide, but the water splashing on the rocks was still cool to see.


I had hoped to see more animals in the tide pools besides anemones and hermit crabs.

These hermit crabs were eating something interesting:

In one tide pool, I saw something startling and blue.

It was a piece of Abalone shell.

You're not supposed to mess with the tide pools, but it wasn't attached to anything,

I pulled it out of the sand to get a better picture. (And left it there)

After exploring the caves, the sun began to come out and had a neat effect:


It was challenging to photograph the shiny water of the pools, to show their depth and contents.

This one I took later in the day, I liked better.


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