It's not my birthday, but it feels like it.

It's not my birthday but I got myself some gifts, anyway.

I'm happy to have at least one car in working order, and able to go places again.

I went to Daiso on Sunday, mostly to get a gift for a co-worker.

Daiso never fails to have neat and interesting things.

I bought this feather shaped pen for myself:

It's made of floppy silicone!

Today at work I made kind of a zen-tangle.

I decided to bring the pen home, because it was too much of a distraction at work!

Another place I went on Sunday was Jo-Ann's.

I didn't buy any beads, but I saw this really neat trim of embroidered flowers.

The colors were cheerful and inspiring.

I wonder what I'll do with it?

I cut out some individual flowers.

They are too floppy to be earrings, I think?

Over the weekend I saw some videos on YouTube from this artist:

Peter Draws

(His art looks like a Zen Tangle so that's probably why I was doodling one today.)

I was so inspired by a tool he was using, that I had to get one for myself!

The package came today.

It was not expensive, only $10-$15.

I've seen these before, but I couldn't believe I didn't already own one!

It's a dip pen, made of glass!

All my ink is dried up, so I'm going to the store for new ink to test it out...

I'd probably have more friends if I gave gifts as nice as the ones I keep for myself!


  1. Am anxious to see how it works? And, you deserve gifts for you.


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