Actual pages in my journal!

Tonight will be the first rain of the season.

I love clouds in the sky again!

 But I've got no chance of getting to the beach anytime soon.

Yesterday, it was 90 degrees...

I haven't shown a lot of art from my journal because I haven't done much all year.

Last month I put away a lot of my bead things, and tried to focus on drawing and collages.

I made this collage about the frustration of not having good tires to drive upon:

I made these collages about dreams.

My lucid dreams tend to look like this:

Bright sunny flower gardens and crystal clear seashores.

I don't have nightmares, though- Real life is much worse than anything I could imagine.

Those slightly bad dreams make some interesting art, too!

The magazine pictures I used for this collage, ended up reminding me of someone whose name I can't recall...

If you can remember this, let me know!

Collages are "easy," drawing is hard.

When I am stuck for ideas for drawing, I try to copy a beauty face from a magazine.

I deliberately try not to get it right.
It makes it more interesting.

I made these with crayon and a ink or watercolor wash over it.

I made a few more collages at the end of October.

I was in a romantic mood I guess.

This was the day after the lady on drugs took a bath in the church baptismal font:

Obviously I was bored by the lack of excitement the next day!

The fountain has since been drained to prevent further misbehavior.

This collage was inspired by an illustration I saw that I tried to recreate.

I was really on a roll!

However, as usual, once I had an operating car again, I was distracted away.

This one was based on a prompt called "leaves blowing in the wind:"

Here is a page showing how much ink the glass pen holds!

The red car has been down without brakes for 5 weeks now.

Also the green car has been showing signs of transmission trouble for a few months.

I'm headed for another breakdown for the car, but maybe some inspiration for me!


  1. Hope your car situation gets resolved. I enjoy your posts Julie, and especially your collages and drawings.


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