Trip to the pier

Yesterday I went to the Huntington Beach Pier and took pictures.

There is a hurricane off Baja, and I anticipated some interesting clouds at sunset.

The beach was misty, and it looked cold, but it wasn't, really.

The seas were running high, but there were still a couple surfers out there.

The new phone's camera has the same long 16x9 format, and a new 4:3 ratio.

It's about 20% larger file size, so I guess it has more pixels / higher resolution.

The front camera isn't broken, so I can take selfies now!

(Not that I really miss taking selfies.)

The camera has a lot of improvement in low-light, too.

There is better compensation for the lack of light.

The phone no longer warns me to hold the camera steady, when it is dark.

Long after the sun set, I was still able to take good pictures of the pinkish sky.

The color quality is also better.

The blues seem especially intense.

There were some unusual rain clouds over the mountains.

I think they are called Lenticular clouds, and sometimes get mistaken for UFO's.

I'm disappointed that it doesn't look like it will rain here tomorrow, after all.

Also, today was a rare day off, and I had hoped to visit Don and work on the green car.

But it's already after noon, and nobody seems to be there.


  1. WOW! Julie, your new phone takes great photos with you and your eye at the helm, as I told you my friend Brandon loves his hone like yours. I like your selfie too! Glad you had a fun day off.


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