Beach rocks

Sunday, I did go to the beach (Huntington Beach Pier.)

The pier itself was packed, so I avoided it completely.

Usually by the end of the day, everyone on the sand is tired and gone home.

There are always photographers gathered at sunset, on the left side of the pier.

You don't have to walk far, to get them out of your shot.

There is always plenty of beach for everyone!

I think the random surfers or tourists are more interesting than the sunset itself!

I noticed this beach has a bit more stones and shells than Seal Beach.

Also Huntington is wider and flatter, and makes better reflections than Seal Beach.

I walked a good distance from the pier while I gathered shells and rocks.

As usual, the farther away from the pier and the later it got,

the more I had the beach to myself.

Driving to the beach and back home is also an event in itself!

Owning an iconic 80's sports car kind of requires you to drive it by the beach, often.

I gathered an assortment of rocks and shells:

Sometimes I feel like I am gathering this stuff for the future.

Saving for the day when I won't live near a beach, or have time to gather pebbles.

I actually found a piece of brown beer bottle, I guess that's real "sea glass."

It was easier to cut than the "vase filler" glass I tried previously.

Since it was getting late, I only drilled about halfway through it...


  1. Your photos are all terrific, professional. I feel sorry for your reader who don't know to click to enlarge for full view.
    I liked all, but favorite this time is #7, driving.


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