June gloom

This week was typically gray and gloomy.

It did not bode well for inspiration.

One day I ventured into the back yard.

The dog and cat were pointing at something in the bushes.

I got a long stick and poked it roughly, thinking it was a mouse.

The dog grabbed it very carefully, and ran away from the mean cat.

It was not a mouse but a baby bird!

The dog dropped it for me.

It was a little shocked but seemed unharmed, despite all that we did.

Too small to fly.

I put it on a high branch near the bird house, which I figured it came from.

I hoped the parents would see it and feed it.

I thought that was the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, as soon as I turned my back, the bird fell down and it died right away.

Later on I went to the Seal Beach pier.

The end has been closed for many years because it fell off in a storm.

I was surprised to find a newly built end on the pier!

(I thought I had more pictures but I was uninspired by the gray weather.)

I also bought some more seashells at the seashell store to use in future projects.

Next weekend is the church carnival. The theme is Luau.

The stores seem to be more filled with tropical stuff than last summer!

I got asked to make a banner for the lottery booth.

I find myself full of conflicting feelings.

Once again, I was not invited to be a part of that planning committee
(or any other staff meetings this year.)

But I can't sit around not making crafts, just because I'm feeling bitter.

It's summer! It's carnival time! Crafts and glitter and glue are fun!

While the paint dried on the banner letters, I made these flower hair clips

I cut the stems off, and then the flowers fell apart, so I had to reassemble them.

I glued everything down with hot glue.

The store has ready-made flower hair clips, but mine look more Hawaiian.

I am busy working on another cool craft with seashells...


  1. Sorry Julie, I get my feeling hurt too easy too. Just remember it's their problem,not yours. Sorry about the baby bird but you did all you could do. Love that your craft projects lift your spirits. Take good care.


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