Boiled Clams

Yesterday (Sunday) I spent the afternoon making more of those paper flowers.

I didn't feel like going out, but I was disappointed to see that I missed a nice sunset.

Today also looked like there might be a good sunset.

I got to the beach at 7:30 PM.

I went to the HB Pier since there wasn't going to be time to walk.

There were some clouds but less fog, which is good for photos.

There is always something to see at the Pier.

You just can't Photo-Shop some of the things you see.

There were an average number of people at the beach and it was an average sunset.

I was inspired by this sand castle but there was too much going on around it.

I was kind of bored and taking pictures of the sand.

I noticed these clams.

You can find these clam shells everywhere. At least, half a clam shell.

Today they were whole and mostly alive!

This meant they had both, matching shells. Maybe good for earrings?

I stuffed a bunch in my purse and took them home.

Dad suggested I boil them so I boiled them with a little Clorox.

I was tempted to eat them, since they didn't stink as bad as some shellfish I've eaten.

But I won't even let that nasty beach water get on my toes!

I don't want a parasite.

Still, it was interesting to see how much meat came out of them.

Also every one of them opened up, not like the mussels I sometimes buy.

This must have been a good source of food for the native people.

Afterward I put the shells, ugly-side up, in a box to bleach out in the sun.


  1. I love the pier and lifeguard stands so a lot of great eye candy today too! Thanks JULIE!


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