
 This weekend I went to the craft stores in search of a few things.

I bought one of those bags of mixed sequins, and added it to my shoe box full of sequins.

For some reason, the craft stores only sell ROUND sequins in small, sorted packages.

But the big assorted bags, sometimes have uniquely shaped sequins.

What caught my eye were these long white sequins:

Sequins that are not round, are hard to find.

When I group them together in a chain, they make a feathery shaped earring.

The bag of sequins also had these prismatic gold leaves.

This earring will be nice, for the fall. 

I also found these other neat sequins in the bag.

There weren't enough of the sea shells to make anything.

I did see the sea shell shaped sequins, sold separately, (try saying that fast,) if I ever need more.

The other ones seemed to be shaped like killer whales, or koi fish,.

I strung them in pairs, but left a gap, instead of layering them in a feathery way.

These are my favorite. 

I have a completely different idea for all the round sequins in the bunch...


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