Hot stuff

This weekend, a volcano in Iceland erupted.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, it's possible to watch it live, on You Tube.

It's mesmerizing, but not awfully dangerous.

This week, I did a small craft where I melted perler beads (fuse beads.)

I have this huge container that somebody gave me when their kids got tired of them.

You're supposed to melt them together, and make ornaments and coasters, and stuff.

Even though they have a hole, they are too ugly to string together as beads.

I saw an idea on Pinterest of melting them down on a baking sheet, so they form a donut shape.

Here you can see an example of the original shape and the flattened shape:

I think the flattened beads look more organic and less "plastic."

I got my largest baking sheet and lined it with parchment paper, like the DIY said.

What they didn't say was that the beads wouldn't stay put.

For one thing the parchment paper won't lie flat, so the beads would fall over.

Once I got them all stood up, the pan went "pop" and I'd have to start over.

Eventually I was able to melt down a few batches.

I only burned myself twice.

I hardly made a dent in the container, but at least I got enough flat beads to make something.

They looked so much like donuts, I took the idea literally and made these earrings:

All that's missing are the sprinkles!

In keeping with the firey theme: I finally ordered some beads from Fire Mountain Gems.

A couple years ago my sister sent me a package for my birthday.

I'm aware of the company, but I like visiting the craft stores more than shopping online.

This past year, I've gotten more comfortable with ordering online. 

Last week, I finally ordered some beads...

The package was supposed to arrive Monday but I got it on Saturday!

It was a nice surprise to see what the things I ordered, looked like in person.

A lot of these things were on sale.

For instance I got 10 random strands for $10, and I was pleased with the assortment.

I also got some square-shaped wire, which is impossible to find at craft stores.

I anticipate making some really great stuff.

I've already made these earrings:

Kind of beige, but I'm just getting started.


  1. I really like this blog and your taking us through the steps. We've all been there when the direction forget some aspects. It's funny to read when it is someone else. I really like the beige earings, I hope you wear them?


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