Saturday in the garden

I'm getting behind in my blogs, so I have to remember to keep going!

On Saturday the sun came out!
I spent the whole day either gardening or tidying the patio.

The second butterfly was ready to come out.
The cocoon turns from jade green to black, on the day it emerges:

You can see cocoon # 3 hanging in the background.
They all will hatch a few days apart.

The actual event happens very fast, in an instant!
I've never actually seen it.

This one stayed in the jar a couple hours, before flying away in the afternoon.

(#1 was released on Friday after spending a rainy day in the jar.
It was fine, and flew right off)

I planted more seeds, and started some cuttings.
I could go to Home Depot for plants, but I want to avoid un-necessary trips to the outside.
I have plenty of stuff at home to keep me occupied.

I have a bunch of these tiny plastic jars left over, from the dollar store:

I have an idea for hanging them, like this: (From Pinterest)

I haven't figured out how to hang them, though..

Meanwhile, I filled them up with different cuttings from around the yard
(and some other containers with dirt and seeds)
Makes me feel better to use these containers I've been hoarding!

Another idea I saw on Pinterest involves hanging plants from a clothes rack:

Recently got rid of some clothes and freed up a clothes rack that was in the garage:

The patio is made of flimsy vinyl, so I can't drill, or glue hooks to the walls.
Using a clothes rack is a solution for hanging plants.

I haven't assembled my jars yet, but I did hang this pretty Oregano from the rack:

On Saturday I also helped my dad with the yard.

It's starting to feel less like a jungle!


  1. What is your dog's name? I feel like I should know him by now? I like your projects.
    I will send you Rad Nana's comments on your ocean pics. She's a fan too.

    1. Thank's Jacki, I have more beach pictures from Friday, coming soon. The cat's name is Cat-(rina, had to add a suffix for the vet) the old black dog is Blackie, and Sam is the Ham.


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