Moon and Clouds and Bracelets

The past week was very depressing at work.

We have a bulletin board where we post up the upcoming funerals. We are doing three or four a week, which is about one or two more than usual.

However, the funeral homes are getting backed up, due to environmental laws which restrict how many cremations can be done a day. This means they are now scheduling funerals a whole month out!

This made the bulletin board look especially sad.

We're going to need a bigger bulletin board...

There was "weather" this weekend, which was very inspiring for photos.

I made this bracelet inspired by the moon and the clouds:

I did not go to the beach this weekend, because I did not fix the noisy brakes on the red car.

I did call the new mechanic recommended by the old mechanic. 
He will be able to fix the transmission on the green car, (someday in the future) but he isn't a brake guy.

My other options to fix the brakes (not a big deal) will be to call a lady I know from the church whose husband is a mechanic, or, take it to a shop down the street.

What I don't want to do is take it to Midas or something, those places charge a lot!

Meanwhile, I stayed in, and took pictures of the clouds from home.

There were plenty of clouds to photograph, so I didn't feel too sad to be stuck at home.

I can still drive the Red car, like to the store, it's just in need of brake pads, and getting screechy.

I could also borrow my dad's car, in an emergency. 

Dad has been doing OK all winter and has had no medical emergencies.

With all the illness going around, it's probably best that I stay at home, anyway!

I made these bracelets inspired by the color of the sky.

At the end of the day, I got a nice picture of the moon from over my neighbor's fence.


  1. Great pictures, aand I am so glad you and your Dad are doing well. Stay in as much as you can, it's crazy out there. As always, your bracelets are wonderful. I love the moon shot!!


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