Beads and beans

Today was a bright, sunny day.

Yesterday, it was very windy and cloudy.

Today was another day that I did not try to find a new mechanic.

My excuse was because it was Election Day, so I had to watch the events.

While I was listening, I did some crafts.

(I've made quite a few jewelry things every week, but I keep forgetting to blog about them.)

I sorted these plain beads and made solid colored stretch bracelets.

Some of my sprouted plants in the patio are growing large. 

They needed to go in the ground.

These are beans from a package of sixteen-bean soup mix, from the dollar store!

One time, I wanted bean sprouts and that's why I had this package.

That must have been two or three years ago!

The package is so old, I didn't think the beans would grow, so I didn't blog about them.

But, they really grew! 

Here they are, along with two tiny snap peas:

I read a little bit about beans. 

Some websites said beans are not supposed to be transplanted, or they will die.

They should be planted directly into the ground. Oops!

Also, raw beans are poison, and have to be cooked carefully! Uh oh.

I've never tried to grow regular beans before, so I didn't know they are not like string beans.

I planted them into the ground, anyway, along with some broccoli sprouts.

Later, I was visited by a fence lizard.

I wonder if it is one that I caught a couple years ago, or even better, a descendant.


  1. Interesting facts I didn't know. But then there are so many things I don't know. It must be satisfying to see your plants grow.


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