Colorful new project for the new year

Here's a lovely sunset from December 30th:

December 31st was my mother's birthday.

Dad and I went to the cemetery to place some flowers.

One of mom's co-workers had put a birthday bouquet there, as well!

Coincidentally or not, I started a new project.

Many months ago, I started putting embellishments on one of Mom's old jean jackets.
I put some studs on it.

I thought that was really bold.

The other day while wearing it, I felt like it needed something for the back.

I saw all these neat ideas for denim jackets on Pinterest:

I especially like the Frida Kahlo one!

I remembered I had two pieces of trim that I never used.

I bought the colorful flower trim at Jo-Ann's, over a year ago.

It made me so happy to look at, but I had no idea what to do with it!

Now, I knew exactly what to do with it!

I don't know how to use a sewing machine, so I'm stitching it by hand.

I hardly go out anymore, so I'm doing it while watching TV, or watching internet stuff.

Here is what the front looks like, now:

It's not sewn down all the way yet, but I am really liking it.

But, the whole reason I started this was to make the back of the jacket look interesting.

I had enough trim for the back, but it didn't feel quite right.

I took a trip back to JoAnn's. 

I wondered if they had similar trim, after all this time. They did.

I had hoped to find fabric to cut into patches, too, but all I got was trim.

Luckily, all I got was trim, because I got a whole lot of it!

There was a whole aisle of trim at the store!

Luckily, I had a color scheme in mind. Rainbow!

So far, I have laid out and pinned the trim to the back.

Here is what the back looks like, now:

I'm very excited for this project.

I anticipate adding more and more to it, until it looks like the "idea" pictures.

I can't wait to finish stitching what I've done so far, so I can wear it out! 


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