A raccoon and a radiator

Last night when I got home from work, I saw a raccoon in my front yard!

When it sat down, it almost looked like a puppy.

I have only ever seen a raccoon in the neighborhood once.

I know they exist, because twice they have massacred the goldfish in my pond.

I stood very quietly and the raccoon went on its way.

At the same time, a co-worker texted me to say she saw a coyote, two blocks away!

I sent her a picture, to be sure she saw the right thing.

(She's sure the animal she saw was a coyote)

It was bizarre to see this taking a stroll on a Friday night, with people all around.

It's not even trash day!

Today I visited Don the mechanic to see why the red car was leaking.

On the way to the shop I stopped for gas.

I didn't drive the car all week because I knew this was going to happen.

I looked inside and saw it was coming from the radiator.

I debated going back home, because it might be too big of a project for today.

Don said it would be Ok.

When I saw him, he had a pretty bad limp from a leg injury.

I thought I could do the work myself!

I undid some of the easy to reach bolts.

When we removed the cover, we could see a crack in the radiator.

This is not unusual, since the car and most of its parts are 25 years old.

I thought I could do much of the work, but some of the hoses were hard to reach.

Luckily Don's son was there and did much of the work.

It was nice to visit Don and see that the shop was still there.

I'm glad that he's recovering and staying active.


  1. I'm sure Don is glad to have you in his life. A girl with so much auto savy!


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