New season and new ideas

The days are getting short and this week was long.

I wanted to, but didn't do any walking at the beach.

One thing I like to do in spring and fall is to rotate my closet.

I put the off-season clothes in the garage and bring out the more current looking stuff.

I also weed out the beat-up clothes to be gotten rid of.

One thing I found at the back of the closet were these dingy Nikes.

I don't know why I bought white fabric sneakers!
They became dingy after only wearing them a week, but they were too costly to get rid of.

I got an inspiration, I decided to color them with Sharpie markers!

I couldn't decide what color I wanted.

I liked these pastel colors, but it didn't cover the dirt very well.

It took a very long time to color in the shoes. Maybe 2 hours.

Here is what I ended up with:

I like the blue part better. I think it needs more.

I don't know if I'll wear them in public, but at least I gave them new life!

While I was cleaning my closet, I looked at fashion and jewelry trends online.

Lately I've been inspired by the 80's, instead of coppery stuff I've been making all summer.

I gathered a bunch of big plastic buttons and trinkets for inspiration.

Here are some things I made this week, (well, now over a week ago)

I pulled this plastic chain apart and made earrings:

I want to go to Home Depot, they have big chain they sell by the yard!

I thought these shower curtain hoops would make good earrings:

I wanted to make something shaped like this:

I used a disc cutter on my dremel tool, but it just made a mess!

I think they weren't the right kind of plastic for cutting up...

I had to blog today to de-clutter the pictures on my phone, for the next blog topic:

What is that mysterious big oily puddle under the Red Car?

It's too dark to investigate today... Things are about to get interesting!


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