Earrings. Problem with headlights. Detergent disaster.

This weekend I tried to copy these earrings:

I bought them at the Orange Street Fair about 10 years ago.

The booth had dozens of these earrings in many colors

I often wonder who made them, and how.

Saturday night I didn't have much to do, so I jumped into this project.

Here is the work in progress.

These earrings were just simple wire hoops wrapped with little beads.

I knew it was possible to make...

I cut out the shapes in a thicker wire, and used a thinner wire to wrap the beads.

It was tricky at first. The beads had to stay on the outer edge of the hoop.

It really hurt my fingers to work the wire!

I started on the larger hoops because I knew it was going to suck.

I've tried to copy this earring a few times but never got far.

I was able to make a much neater copy this time.

Assembling the hoops so they hung in a regular way, was another task.

After a few hours, I got this far and had to stop.

I think the original cost me about $20.

The time was hardly worth the trouble!

On Sunday I decided to drive the Green car, since the Red car was possibly leaking.

The headlights wouldn't come on!

All the other lights worked fine.

I checked all the fuses, and wiggled the fuse box, and turned the key off and on.

There just was no power to the headlights!

I spent a moment researching the headlight wiring, online.

It was promising to be another tricky issue to track down.

After letting the car sit for 15 minutes, the headlights came on as if nothing was wrong!


Before I went to bed I checked on the laundry.

Somehow this huge, almost new container of detergent, was on the floor!

It was almost empty!

There is detergent everywhere.

I don't know where the cap went!

It's running out the garage door! (And apparently taking spiders with it!)

It had to be Sammy, because I know where the cat was, and Blackie is too old.

Did he see a rat? Did he want to look out the garage door window?

That is life with animals.

I put down some rags to clean it up.

It smells nice in the garage now.

I guess we can throw a detergent-soaked rag into each load!

If this is any indication of how my week is going-

I'm afraid to look at my e-mails when I get to the office Monday morning!


  1. I love your wiring and jewelry challenges, you always win in time. The detergent is a nightmare clean-up, but it could have been worse? Bleach? the washer with a $$ leak? First world problems.


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