
I see I haven't blogged in a week.
Last week was pretty busy at work, since it was the first time we officially opened the office. There was a lot of rescheduling to do.
I got a face shield, which is more comfortable than a mask.
It doesn't fog up my glasses like a mask does.
The brow band is funny.
Especially if you remember that I was once assaulted at work, by a spitter.
The new social distancing rules are fine with me!

Friday was a difficult day at work because I discovered the calendar program wasn't saving my changes. Again.

Last week I didn't do anything creative.
I was also too busy to do anything in the garden.

I recently discovered that all the craft stores are open again, and have big sales!
I went to Jo-Ann's over the weekend, and bought some random things for inspiration.

I didn't buy beads, because I have too many, but I got this pre-strung charm bracelet:

My other activity for the week was cruising around in the Red Car.
I took the tops off, and played loud rock music to de-stress.

It reached 100,000 miles on Saturday!

Although I didn't really plan it out, I ended up driving by the Pier at Huntington Beach.

I wasn't near a good photo location.
This gas station was the best I could do.
(I made a video of it too, but since I was driving, it came out a little bumpy.)

I've had the red car for 5 years now.
It had about 80,000 miles on it when I got it, so I put 20,000 miles on it in 5 years.

I also passed 100,000 miles on the original Green car, back in 2002.
It had about 85,000 miles when I bought it, and I put 15,000 miles on it in a year!

I found this photo collage I made about it:

This collage was actually decorating a pencil case, before I pasted it into the journal.

To celebrate the 100,000 mile, I drove that one up to Ortega Highway.
I haven't been that way in years, and I don't think I feel up to it anymore!


  1. A good week, I'd say. I love you in your mask, you look so thrilled?
    Your red car looks gorgeous, so glad you took a ride.
    I always enjoy seeing what you have been up to.


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