Bracelets inspired by gardening

While I was cleaning my vegetable garden beds, I spotted something bright blue.

It was a marble!

I remembered how I tried to make a marble into a pendant.
I made a holder that was kind of like chain mail.
This was awhile ago, so I don't remember exactly how I made them.

The concept is kind of like making a box from folded paper.
If you can imagine a box made of circles...
I fiddled around with the arrangement for awhile.
I did not feel as anxious as I expected, maybe because I had done this before.

I can't knit or sew, but it also reminded me of a crochet hat.
The marble is very slippery and you can't test it out, until you are mostly finished.

Here I saw that an extra loop piece was not in the right place:

The resulting pendant was completely symmetrical, not like the previous attempts.

I was very pleased, especially since it has been a long while since I tried this kind of thing.

(These are also my two favorite colors to combine for making jewelry.)

I remembered buying a similar blue marble a while back.
I already had this exact idea in mind, so that's another reason why it came together well.

I found that marble, along with these stretch charm bracelets that my sister gave to me.

They were kind of garish and not my style. She said it would be OK if I remade them.
So today I took them apart.

I combined them with some "stone" beads, that I thought would go together well.

I made all these:
I replaced the spacer rings with chunkier ones that looked better.

This one was my favorite:
It's been a long time since I did any jewelry crafts!
I was surprised that I was not as rusty as I feared.
My ideas had not completely dried up.

I think that's one reason I like to make jewelry.

Trying to draw after not doing it for a month, is a different story...


  1. Really nice, Julie! You're not rusty at all and you have such a good eye!
    I love the encased marble, and the history of the marble. Very nice blog.


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