Disappointments and more flowers

The brake on the Red car has started to make noise again, (only when I turn right.)

It's not helping my already grumpy mood. 

I was starting to avoid going out again.

I went back to the new mechanic early this morning. 

I had to wash the cars, of course, because of all the sticky flower sap.

Mechanic put the car up and we couldn't see anything wrong or loose. 

Of course it didn't make the sound for him. 

It looks like the rear end differential is leaking onto the brake. 

He cleaned that off, and said "see if the noise goes away," but I drove home, and it still squeaks.

At least it didn't cost anything.

The sun came out and it was very bright.

I decided to do another photo safari in my yard, while I had it in mind.

I didn't need to do much gardening on this side of the yard, this year.

I planted all these a few years ago, and they just need occasional pruning.

I like it when plants come back year after year.

This shrub is called Lion's tail, I think.

I wanted to plant sunflowers this year, but I didn't prepare a place for them, and missed the planting time.

This shrub is almost as nice. It has a unique way of growing, one flower comes out of the last.

The purple Jacaranda tree flowers fall everywhere!

I think I prefer purple and orange flowers, but every color is nice!

Even the tiniest weed had a flower:

I also took some photos of the back yard flowers:

Spending time outdoors is supposed to improve my mood.

The sun was giving me a headache, though.


  1. Bravo, I love the close-ups of your photo safari. I am sorry about the red car, I know they are your babies.I hope you have a happy weekend, Julie.


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