The week, in arts and crafts.

This week has flown by really fast, although it has also gone by at a crawl.

As of today, Friday, we still don't know who won the election.

Sam doesn't actually watch TV and neither do I. Usually I get my news on the internet.

Here we made an exception to watch a car chase.

On Sunday I intended to go to the beach, but it was dark by the time I left the house.

I did place my fairy garden bridge in the yard.

I moved it around.

I decided not to add any more to it, like hand rails or anything.

It's more of an architectural arch than a realistic bridge.

Although I missed the sunset Sunday, I got to see a nice one yesterday at the church, (Thursday.)

This is the outdoor area where we are having daily and Sunday Mass.

There isn't any tent anymore, since the wind blew it down. 

People are encouraged to bring hats and umbrellas. 

It was 86 degrees Thursday, 72 today and it will be 60 degrees, and maybe rain, tomorrow!

This week I was determined to do more drawing in my sketchbook.

I went to the Art Supply Warehouse to get new art supplies, as a motivation.

I saw this huge sketchbook!

As much as I wanted it, the truth is, I have a hard enough time filling a standard 100 page sketchbook!

I am about 25 pages from finishing the sketchbook I started in March.

These are the supplies I got:

I did start drawing and coloring again in my sketchbook.

The time change makes it feel like I have an extra hour to draw, or make crafts.

I'm not ready to share anything, yet.

This week I also made jewelry, which is easier to share.

I discovered that these tiny spacers are great to put into bead bracelets:

I made this group of stretchy bracelets:

The extra little spacer makes the plain beads look fancier.

I also make these interesting earrings out of curtain loops:

I'm not sure where the idea came from. 

I just found a container of plastic loops and these were the results.


  1. Great blog, Julie. You gave us an overall update. I like hat you see the time change as an extra hour to create. Your supplied look interesting too.


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