Hot weather and dragon's eggs

The past two weeks have been boring and dreary and hot.

At work, we still have no A/C. It doesn't look like we will be getting any A/C this year.

No one has returned from furlough. 

The few who of us are working, are only there part time, and funds are low. 

However, the virus cases have dropped this week in the county.

The church building is now open for a few hours each day, for individuals to enter and pray. Services are still being held outside in the tented area.

We don't have any fires in the county but the smoke in the sky has made some spectacular sunsets. 

Sometimes I drive past the beach, but I don't stop to get out.

The crowds in the summer are disgusting, so I don't miss the beach that much.

At home, it's too hot to go outside at all, and I haven't done anything in the yard.

I continued making my dragon's eggs.

Every day I would paint the eggs or add a little bling to them, then let them dry.

I added more bling to this one, that I already showed off last time:

For the medium sized gems I used Mod Podge, and jewelry glue (super glue) for the tiny stones.

The eggs went through several changes.

This one was pretty, but not the effect I wanted.

I painted it gold, next.

It finally ended up a really weird shade of pinkish red:

I'm still not done with it...

The big glass beads I stuck on with hot glue. This is very satisfying to do, even if it's hot outside.

I didn't like the lime colored background on this one.

I painted it a darker color, after adding more bling, and it ended up "messy" :

For this one, I painted the background before hand:

I resisted the urge to repaint it after adding the bling, and it turned out better.

I figured out that pre-painting was the way to go.

Here are two more I am just starting on:

This one I am trying to make a scale-like pattern using hot glue:

Yesterday I got another six eggs from the clearance aisle at Hobby Lobby, so I have an even dozen.

When I'm done, I think I will put them in a big basket somewhere...

I used to be good at drawing and painting. 

I think the next thing I should do is illustrate the creatures that might come out of these eggs!


  1. Nice job, Julie. I love it when you show us what you are doing. It looks like you are having fun, and that is big on my scale. The weather is taking a tole on some of us.


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