Melted crayon hearts

It's gardening time, and want to blog about it, but I also did some fun crafts along the way.

One day, a few weeks ago, I did nothing but melt crayons.

I saw an idea online about making a "multicolor" crayon with used crayons.

I keep a stock of crayons at the office, to keep children entertained.

To de-clutter, I brought home the "repeat" or boring crayons, and kept some good ones for the kids.

I have a lot of candy molds which will never be used for candy. 

To my surprise, I didn't have any cylinder shapes, just these heart shapes.

I used my heat gun, but I had some issues with the melting. 

(Also, peeling the paper off of crayons is no fun!)

I was trying not to blend all the colors together, but instead make a multi-color crayon.

At first I tried melting chunks of random colors together, but they never really melted.

I tried another method which was melting a lot of each color, and pouring it into the molds in layers.

I used silicone muffin molds, as a melting cup.

Melted crayon smells just like you imagine! Like a hot, stuffy classroom.

I ended up with this interesting collection of heart shaped crayons.

I added Pearl-Ex powders to some of them, but they didn't make much of an effect.

The colors they made were kind of faded, but still interesting.

This is just one of a bunch of things I haven't gotten around to blogging about!

It's hard to find a few moments of the day to edit photos.

I hope to update more often!


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