Gardening time

I've been busy in my spare time, but it's hard to take an hour to blog!

I hope I fixed the problem with comments...

Two weeks ago, I picked oranges almost every day, and this took up most of my time.

The tangelo tree is now picked and pruned.

I donated most of the fruit I picked to the church.

One day alone, I gave away about a dozen bags!

A couple of the tangelos had a deformity.

This one was funny. I drew a face on it.

Last Tuesday was Candlemas at the church. 

We sell a lot of candles, in general.

Since I would be there late selling candles, I was able to take a two-hour lunch.

I used the extra time to weed my vegetable patch at home.

Here is the "before" pic.

I don't garden every year, so I went into it feeling like I was going to have to start from scratch.

However, it wasn't as bad as I imagined, since I had made a garden last year.

Here is where it ended up after an hour.

With another hour of work, I should be able to start planting...

The cat was very excited and had to inspect her litter box right away.

(I'll never ever be able to plant carrots or anything in the ground, thanks to her)

This brussels sprout grew really large but never produced a good sprout.

I couldn't figure out why, until I started to cut it down. (I had to use a saw!)

It was covered with disgusting aphids the exact same color as the leaves!

I won't share a picture of that, though!

There were a few little brussels sprout stems at the base, that I saved.

The thing next to it that went to flower, might be a broccoli. 

Also a rosemary plant and a head of garlic. "A little bit of everything and a great deal of none."

Maybe next time I'll describe the crafts I made. 

Mostly these days I'm excited about gardening, again.


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