I hope I feel like blogging more often.

I haven't blogged in about 10 days!
There is another work week coming up, so if I don't blog now, it will be another long while...

Going to the beach is out of the question.
It's hot and crowded and full of gross people.

Occasionally I can see an interesting sunset while driving around.

Work was busy because the governor "closed the church" on Monday.
Actually, we only had to stop having indoor services.

We already have services on a stage outside.

It threw people into a panic, because they thought everything was cancelled.
Some are just postponing everything until March of 2021. I don't know why they like March.

It was another long, mentally draining week of phone calls.
The good news is that I get to close the door of the office, because the office is supposed to be closed, too.
People still keep showing up, though.

I went through my phone's camera roll to see what I could find.

I made these earrings:
(These were from beads I already had.)
Czech glass:

These were ready-made resin shapes I got at Hobby Lobby last week.

I didn't work in the garden much, spending most of my free time sleeping.

My vegetables are doing well in the raised bed, instead of containers.
Sam is not sniffing the flowers.
He is hoping I will remove the barrier so he can prance all over, because there might be a mouse in there. 

It's already Sunday again!
I hope this coming week will be slower-paced so I can do more crafts and things.


  1. Nice blog, Julie. I love to hear of your schedules and new crafts. I hope you wear a different pair of earrings everyday, thus providing a mini-fashion show for all to raise their and your spirits?


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