Long weekend

It looks like another week has gone by and I forgot to blog!

I had three days off this week.

Saturday would have been the day to take pictures of the sunset, but I had to work.

I stayed home mostly all weekend. 

I worked in the garden and did a mountain of laundry.

I waxed the red car as if I were going to a show, (then it rained and made spots!)

I forgot to take pictures of it when it was shiny and clean-er 

(this is today, somewhat dusty, after I pruned the front yard.)

I'm ignoring the green car for now. 

The brake needs fixing, but I'm waiting for Don to return from vacation. 

So far, I think he might still fix it, but the future makes me anxious.

We had some earthquakes.

I mostly slept through one, and was driving and didn't feel the second one.

It was exciting, though, and helped keep my mind off of other things.

If California falls off the map, then I won't have a home, a job, or a car to worry about...

On the 4th I stayed home and watched the fireworks.

There is a $1000  fine for fireworks that go in the air, but nobody pays much attention.

They probably spend more than that, on the fireworks.

There are explosions in every direction.

Even though this year my camera is better at night, it is hard to capture the experience.

Here is a short video I made, during the first hour.

This goes on for hours. 

I got bored and went back inside and made earrings.

I'll put up those pictures in another post!


  1. Your red car looks gorgeous, I wish my car was that clean and shiny. I watched part of your video, aren't firework illegal in Santa Ana? Wow!


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