I forgot to blog again.

 The first two weeks of 2022 have passed by very qucikly.

My days are pretty full, and I'm happy to be keeping busy.

Although I work full time now, there is still time to be silly...

Like this day, when I discovered the Matrix.

The cat who visits the office is also very entertaining.

I came across an old photography manual and it had a picture of a cat in black and white.

It inspired me to take some pictures of the orange cat and try to make some contrast.

Oddly enough, all of my own cats have been black, white, or both. 

He likes the bed I made for him out of a box lid and microfiber cleaning rags.

He was actually afraid of a larger box, so I had to use this tiny one.

I put up a video of him on my YouTube.


I moved his box to the corner where he can nap all day.

Here is a nice sunny day I captured this week:

I can't get to the beach much, but I can take pictures like this, just outside the office.

Lately I've been posting little pictures about my day to my Instagram page, @ julibshine

I still made time for crafts.

I made these earrings, and some other stuff.

I found these lights at the Dollar Tree.

Another time at the Dollar tree I found a plastic dome "cloche."

I thought these should go together.

They do!

I had an idea to fill it with moss and plants, but the container was just not right.

Next blog I will show what this became.

Still not sure why comments are not working, because the options say they are...


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