TLC for the dog, more school books

Sam got his operation on Wednesday, and it went well.

They removed a tumor above his right eye. It wasn't really "involved", which is a good sign.

It will be sent out to a lab and we will get results next week.

Sam is very, very unhappy. He acts like he's being punished.

He is even more clingy than ever, because he feels alone.

When I take him out to potty, he wants to sit by my feet. He doesn't wander around.

It is very obvious he wants us to take off the cone, but we can't, for a while.

The cat was so horrified, she hid under a bed for several days! She is getting over it, though.

I didn't do anything really creative this week.

The school had a big "yard sale" last weekend, to donate away a lot of supplies.

I already went through a few times, and got a few odds and ends.

I got a new chair for my home office.

This week, I went back in the school to look at the library books again.

No one wants actual books anymore, so they are just going to send them all to Goodwill.

The empty school is a little creepy, but I like it.

One day, I discovered the word to describe the feeling. It's called liminal space.

If I spent more time in the building, I could take some interesting photos.

Here's the nurses station.  

I was never sick at school, so I never saw it.

I did find something I was looking for! 

My family donated this plaster eagle statue, many years ago.

The mascot used to be the Eagles. (They changed it to the Lions, a few years ago.)

I think we were de-cluttering the house, and my mom made us donate it. 

I think it came from an uncle.

I think we wrote something on the bottom. It will be interesting to see.

At the school library, I moved these bookshelves:

It took about an hour, and it was very hot, since the A/C is turned off.

Luckily, the little shelves have wheels!

Sure enough, on these hidden shelves, I found many books on art.

A whole packet of scrapbook card stock!

I still haven't found any of the books I remember as a child, but that was almost 40 years ago, and it's unlikely they survived...

Next week I hope to go back again and move the last few shelves.

It's a little sad that people don't appreciate books anymore, but it leaves more things for me to explore!


  1. I agree, Julie. There is something about a real book, turning the pages, the tightness of the spine etc. that I don't get online. I still read real books.

  2. Can you please call me so we can hang out Please!!! We use to have so much fun! I left my number on your Instagram , thanks , April


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