I made a necklace, and waded in the fish pond.

The month is half way done, and this is only my 2nd post!

I need to try harder to make more blog posts.

This week I worked on a necklace.

For a few years, I've this book full of jewelry projects:

I usually don't use how-to books, usually I get my ideas from something I see online.

In this book, each project has a little story attached. It's like the author's journal.

Looking at the book recently, I noticed the journal entries coincided with this season.

I decided to work on the project for that day, June 10th.

I don't have the same kind of stone beads as shown in the book:

Here's what I came up with:

It's definitely something! 

But I think it's missing the "pink" colors.

This morning I saw this brilliant pink water lily in the fish pond.

I decided the lilies in the pond were overgrown.

This pond had three different colored lilies, white, light pink, and hot pink.

The white color is the most common color, and it was also the biggest plant in this pond.

I have another white lily plant in the other pond, so I just got rid of this one completely.

The majority of a water lily plant is a huge trunk underwater, not the part that floats on top.

I had to wade in the pond, and chop it up with a shovel. 

It's a stinky job, but it needs to be done once a year.

The lilies are a bit disheveled, but in a few days they will right themselves.

The fish will have more room to swim around, too.

And, soon, I'll have many more pink lilies.




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