Summer Reading List

The grade school attached to my church has been closed.

It was slated to close down before the pandemic, due to financial difficulties.

There weren't any online classes this past year. 

It was completely closed for good.

Recently, there has been some interest from a nonprofit group. 

They are talking about turning it into a vocational high school, which will teach job skills to students.

It's not 100% for sure, but it's exciting news.

Everything had to be removed from the classrooms. 

They have already removed desks and stuff.

Basically they are going to junk everything else, and start over fresh.

The first thing I thought about were the books.

I asked permission to take home some library books before they got thrown out, or whatever.

This week, I had some time before work, to explore the school.

Did I mention this was my grade school?

Even though I work right next door, I rarely come to this building.

It isn't that I have particulary bad memories about the place.

I've been here often enough that all the memories, new and old, are jumbled together.

It's just weird, and incredibly lucky, to be able to come back again.

I wonder what's going to happen to all the trophies?

I heard that they had moved all the books into one room.

It took me awhile to find it, because it wasn't where the Library used to be.

At last I found the place.

To my dismay, the books were not in any order, whatsoever.

As a kid, my favorites were horse stories, and the Babysitter's club.

I didn't find any good horse books, and it took great restraint not to bring home the entire, 100+ Babysitter's Club book collection.

I managed to stick to science fiction, and more "adult" books I'll actually read.

I remembered how as a kid, I would read ANYTHING!

I'm trying to de-clutter my life, but right now, I can't help bringing home these books.

I had to make room on a shelf for all the books I brought home.

I think I'm not done yet. 

I'd like to find a book with my name on the card, but that was 35 years ago...

In the meantime I have a summer's worth of reading to do!

And my lovely reading spot I spent all winter putting together.


  1. How great for you, nothing better than books. I feel so sad for the people. like my Grandsiond who donot like to read. They are missing such a gift. Good for you, Julie!


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