End of August

I haven't blogged very much this month. 

I guess I haven't done anything fun.

My back yard garden has become quite overgrown. 

It's too hot to garden.

This star jasmine is going to fall into the fish pond, if I don't cut it soon.

This milkweed now is as tall as I am:

As you can see, Sam is doing fine.

I picked some grapes, but since I didn't go out every day to check on them, I lost many other bunches due to insects.

Dad doesn't eat grapes, so he won't help me pick them!

He went through some photo albums last week.

I saw a photo I'd never seen before, of my Great-Aunt, Ann.

Her husband was a car racer, and that's how she became one, too!

Last weekend (the 22nd) I walked at Bolsa Chica Ecological Preserve.

I discovered a WW2 era gun turret.

Last week I made this necklace with stone "drops" that I got from Fire Mountain:

This shape of bead is almost impossible to find at the local craft stores.

This week, I drew a little in my sketchbook, but did not make any jewelry.

I went to the art supply store and discovered that they now make .5 sized lead in different grades.

I drew these seashells I got at the Seal Beach store 2 weeks ago:

I wasn't "feeling it," but at least I did draw for about an hour.

This weekend I did not go to the beach. 

I did do a lot of walking.

At the mall. 

I bought some new clothes.

It's still hard for me to grasp the concept, but somehow, I have been hired to work full time at the church. I always ask, but the answer was always no. I start today, Monday.


  1. Congratulations on your new job, Julie! I hope you enjoy the change. I love it when you take time to blog, even when you don't think you have much to say, I think we enjoy hearing your thoughts. as you can probably guess, I love the photo of your Great Aunt Ann, isn't it great? Maybe that's where some of your love for cars comes from? Take good care, Julie, I look forward to your next post.


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