Garden safari with new phone

Yesterday I took a walk around with my new phone to try it out.

Only last week, I was thinking about how I used to take a lot of photos, but haven't really lately.

I looked up photography tips, and even thought about borrowing my dad's bulky DSLR.

Little did I know that I would have to buy a new phone (with camera) soon.

I took a picture of this rose in the morning:

On the way to work in the afternoon, I was shocked to see it was already wilted.

The phone camera has some "pro" features that mimic an SLR camera.

Trying them out...

"focus selection" mostly seems to just blur the background in a close-up.

It's hard to tell if it is actual lens focus or just a blur filter.

Still a step above the old phone.

I take a lot of close-ups, so this is just fine.

These Plumeria are also from the nice garden at the office:

I was able to find a flower or two at home, too.

The "pro" features also include some sliders that I think are ISO or film speed.

So far I haven't figured out how that works.

It's been a long time since I used an SLR.

I learned that the shrub I trimmed over the weekend is called a Blue Potato Bush.

The shrub is near the bird feeder.

The cat came by to see if I was going to fill up her "toy" with bird seed.

She likes being out in the sun more than I do!

Of course, the new phone camera has way more pixels.

I can see all the dander.


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