Flowers and earrings and not much else.

Not much has been going on.
The fires and other disasters have been pretty depressing.

Nothing exciting happening at work, except that it's still hot.

Today it was 90 degrees.

It's disgusting.

All the flowers around the office are blooming.

There's been a mosquito problem at the office for awhile.

I got bitten again this week, about 10 times on my knees, even through my jeans!

I now have mosquito repellent on my desk.

I didn't do any drawing or any work on the cars for two weeks.

There is a car club meeting on Saturday the 21st, and the interior of the green car is still in shambles!

I did make a pair of earrings early last week. (I got the idea from an online catalog.)

It was supposed to be some pearls and gold beads, in order descending in size.

I gathered some beads together but I didn't have enough faux pearls.

I did have some clear acrylic beads that were the right size.

Here is what I ended up with.

Very fab!


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