in the garden

Last week, an old computer at work crashed.

I remembered it was time to backup my portable hard drive at home.

I bought a new one.

They only last about 2 or 3 years, or less if you schlep them around.

It forced me to look at a lot of old pictures.

It reminded me that I used to take a lot of pictures of flowers, and the garden at work.

I was inspired to go outside and spend some time in the garden.

The man who used to tend our yard (at home) went away for a few months.

The plants are getting a little overgrown.

I asked Juan, who makes the beautiful garden at the office, to cut our grass, in the meantime.

I don't think we can afford to pay him to do the rest, however...

I cut some bushes in the front yard earlier in the week, and found a surprise!

A big praying mantis!

When I was a kid I always wanted to find one in my yard, but I never did.

They are not native, but I have seen eggs for sale at the garden store.

Unlike a grasshopper, it kept falling over.

 I don't know if they are normally clumsy.

Maybe it's the end of the season for mantis.

I put it on a tomato plant in the back yard.

A few days ago I went outside and smelled something fragrant.

The orange tree was blossoming again!

Apparently the 114- degree day in July threw it out of season.

This is why citrus don't do good in places like Texas.

The second bloom will supposedly not make tasty fruit.

I did some gardening on my day off today, too.

I cut down one overgrown shrub.

The cat had to inspect my work, of course.

It was good to spend some time outside.

Reviewing my old pictures inspired me to try to take better photos in the future.


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