Today I made time to paint some fruit I gathered up from different places around the office.

Here at the church people will sometimes bring extra fruit from their backyard to share.
This time it was bags of limes. There are always limes. We'll never get scurvy.

Rarely, we get great things like figs and pomegranates.
Many times we get guavas. I think they make the office stink, like garlic!

The other fruit was the apples I didn't eat for lunch the past few days.
Everyone seemed to like this drawing even though the angles were off kilter.
I used acrylic, and the background was acrylic over scribbled watercolor crayon.

(I forgot to bring a good paintbrush again, but I found a child's watercolor brush-like thing.)


  1. Really nice colors and I like it when it looks like you had fun doing it. In my opinion - do it your way and don't let realism weigh you down? ;o)


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