I made collages while I was away

Today was my day off, but I didn't know it.

I spent a busy afternoon with the Red car.

I will blog about that tomorrow...

Dues to a scheduling error, I arrived at work and discovered today was actually my day off.

I went home feeling ready to work, but not like going anywhere, since I had been out all day.

I realized I still hadn't posted pictures of the collages I made while I was in San Diego.

We had a lot of free time in the evenings.

I was able to find a composition book, and scissors, (but no glue) at the little market on the corner near the AirBNB we were staying.

I had some acrylic craft paint, which I brought along for my sister to use on a different project.

The first day, all I had was that paint to decorate the cover of the composition book.

Eventually we went to places where I was able to find glue sticks, and other interesting things.

I tore up some travel magazines and local weekly newspapers and made collages.

With the limited materials and lots of free time, I was able to focus and make some cool things!

This was a tacky vase decorating the table at the AirBNB:

I didn't make art everyday, but there were two or three days of really intense art-making.

A lot of the time we spent talking about our childhood and people who aren't there anymore.

I filled up more than 10 pages of the notebook, front and back!

It was the most art I had done in a long time.

Some of the stuff I made was silly, but it was fun, and therapeutic.


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