Kitchen remodel in progress

Last week, quite a bit of remodeling was done.

The workers had to rewire the kitchen to meet the new building codes.

They had to make huge holes in the wall and add more outlets.

They patched up the holes, a few days later.

Now we have recessed lighting!

The electric company decided we could not use our existing electrical box.

It was too small, and since we built a patio, it was now considered to be indoors.

Here's where the box used to be:

We had to relocate the box to the outside of the garage, by the gate.

Just moving the box took two whole days.

People were in and out of the attic, hammering and walking on the roof.

The hardest part was keeping the dogs in a back bedroom all day, and having to take them out for walks.

Here is a more recent picture of the patched-up kitchen.

The outlets are kind of hanging out, so the work can be inspected by the city.

This week, we were unable to get that inspection, because the city is on vacation.

The work can't continue until an inspection happens.

Maybe on the 27th.

The cat, however, is a professional inspector of everything:

Pretty much how I feel about it, too.


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