Warming up

This week, I had a very bad cold.

On Thursday we had a going-away party for our pastor, who had been with us for 13 years.

I should have been on the decorating squad, but I was feeling pretty out of it.

Yesterday was the first day of the church carnival.

The theme is Fiesta.
The theme is ALWAYS Fiesta, but this year the staff was more excited than other years to decorate.

We used tissue paper flowers for some decorating, and I showed a group of ladies to make them.

Mostly I was in the office, directing traffic, and worrying about the slow start.

The Friday of the carnival always starts slow, but this year looks to be another success.

I didn't take many pictures yesterday, but I was feeling lousy and tired.

I'll be sure to take tons of pictures today!

I didn't realize how miserable I was all week, until I got up today and felt OK!

I did make some fiesta-inspired earrings this week, from these cute clay bird beads:

This morning when I got up, I saw a click-bait video about "how to beat laziness with this Japanese idea."
The idea is called Kaizen.

The idea is to not discourage yourself by trying to accomplish too much at once.
Instead the idea calls for doing things for only one minute at a time.
Eventually it will help you to change your habits.

This sounded like a lot of fun!
It reminded me of the 1-minute and 5-minute drawing exercises we would do in art class to get warmed up.
I tried this today, and as soon as something got discouraging or boring I changed to another task.
It was great.

I didn't let myself feel guilty about not getting something done to completion.

In fact, by switching tasks up every few minutes, I got a lot of chores done!
I even made the first collage I did, all week:

I have set a lot of goals for myself this summer, because I am turning 40.

Maybe this trick will help me accomplish some of them...


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